The Farmer's Guide to Selling and Marketing

Ready Farmer One

What if you could increase your farm sales, reach new customers, streamline your sales process, and get back all the time you spend at the farmers’ market? What if this was all possible from your office?
The right sales & marketing strategy makes all of this possible, and Ready Farmer One is the blueprint.  

Ready Farmer One is the most important new farming book of the decade. I learned a lot and you will too.

Jean Martin Fortier
Author of The Market Gardener

Answering questions I didn't even know I had, Ready Farmer One will build your confidence to sell successfully online.
The value of knowledge shared in this book is priceless.

Nicole Pitt
The Flower Hill Farm

I haven't been this excited about a book in a long time. If you want your farm to thrive in the modern marketplace, Ready Farmer One is your catalyst. I can't reccommend this book highly enough.

Joel Salatin

Author of You Can Farm

About the Book

How ‘Ready Farmer One’ will change the way you think about farming

Ready Farmer One is a modern take on the skills farmers need to thrive. How can farmers, food producers, and markets of all kinds find customers in a digital era? Ready Farmer One gives you the blueprint.
Ready Farmer One

The 7 lessons this book will teach you


Efficiently fulfill orders from harvest to pick up.


Build an online store that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.


Find sales channels that work for you.


Create a brand that resonates with your customers.


Become a master at telling your farm story.


Develop a marketing strategy that will attract new customers.


Grow your social media channels and establish a loyal following.
About the Authors

Diego Footer and Nina Galle come together to create the first business book for farmers

The book brings together Diego Footer, farm podcaster and YouTuber, and Nina Galle, Head of Content at Local Line. They set out to create the industry standard for farmers starting and building their direct-to-market operations. The result is Ready Farmer One.
International Editions

Purchase English language editions in the following countries

Ready Farmer One is available for purchase on Amazon in eleven different countries. Get your copy today!

Spend more time in the field and less time in the office.

All it takes is a few clicks to get you connected to your customers, selling online, and easily fulfilling your orders.
Farmer holding a basket of vegetables selling online.Different Local Line features for farm e-commerce.